Thursday, January 6, 2011

WTF Dream

I've always been a vivid dreamer, and I tend to remember them in graphic, technicolour detail. This morning I woke up from the most intense dream I've ever had. It was one of those dreams which absolutely exhaust you as if you physically where involved in every aspect of it. Here's how it began, the following is like a cross between Alfred Hitchcock 'The Birds' and a really awful family gathering.

We open on a weird family get together, all cousins from both sides of the family and a variety of other people dotted around. My boyfriend who I seem uncomfortable with is a midget version of some guy I went to school with. As the dream continues I am having memories of my real life boyfriend who, in the dream, I haven't heard from in three weeks. I assume for some reason that he's broken up with me because I cannot get hold of him. Then, I recieve a letter from real life boyfriend's sister saying the family has been deported as they were illegal immigrants. She is in  safe house with her husband but the rest of the family is in police custody. Throughout the dream I am crying and keep saying: 'why didn't he tell me? he could've just called to tell me!' Because now I'm not sure if we really broke up. A lot of weird shit happens in between, like bathing midget boy in a trickling tap inside a school hall. Then, I'm at home, a state of war on illegal immigrants has been declared. They are being kept in the park up the road from my house where they are being experimented on and turned into birds. The president of the evil regime is in my garden, looking to take hostages from inside the house.

Then, the alarm goes off. WTF? Weirdest dream EVER! Anyway, just thought I'd share that with anyone who's interested, I feel much better now!

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